24 April 2015 | Comments: 0
We all recognise a bee. We all know they make honey. But why do they do it and what else do they do?
Along with bringing us 2 of his hives to make use of our ‘Bee Friendly Park’, John Mace has written this very informative blog post for us, all about the fascinating world inside a bee hive. Part 2 will follow in a week or two. We hope you enjoy reading about these wonderful little creatures as much as we do having them on the park!
Read Full Article ›04 April 2015 | Comments: 0
We’ve got a special Easter treat for you all this Easter weekend. Another of Helen’s recipes, her Simnel Cake, which makes an appearance in the Brown household every Easter, and is usually gone before Easter Monday!
Why not pop over for a portion if you’re visiting the park this easter.
Happy Easter everybody!
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